After launching No Sleep, just tap the 'Hide' button at the bottom of the window. No Sleep will then hide but remain active. While hiding, it won't use any CPU time, won't modify the Sleep Time you have set. It will just prevent Newton from turning off as long as it's getting power from the AC adapter.
If you want to turn Newton off, just hit the power switch twice within 5 seconds. Newton will then power off. Since this is the DEMO version of the program, it quits when power goes off. You will need to start it again after power up. Of course, you can also tap its icon again to cancel it.
Whats in the Commercial Version ?
Glad you asked. You get all the above plus:
1. No Sleep does not quit at power down. it stays active always until you turn it off. Of course you have the option to have it stay active or quit at power down time.
2. Sound Option. You can have NoSleep play a tune upon power up and/or power down. This is something Apple forgot ! I have mine play the Star Trek TNG door chime sound. Every one likes it ! By the time you read this you will be able to download your own sounds to Newton. Yes, I'm providing a Mac program to do this for No Sleep. All you need is the sound file. I can't give you the STTNG sound as it's not mine !
3. Auto Sleep Time Option . This feature sets the sleep time depending on the amount of battery power left. It has 5 levels to conserve power. When you quit No Sleep, it restores the sleep time to what you had set it to.
4. Backup Battery Status. The power level of the Data Backup Battery (the little round one) is displayed. Now you will know when it is time to replace it.
That about sums it up. Of course, I may add/modify features. To get the program, send just 10 smackers to me. Yup $10.00 US. Checks only, no cash, stamps, orother things. That's cheep ! I'll send you a disk with the programs. You will need whatever you used to load the demo program to your Newton. i.e. NTK or the Connection Kit.